[CLOSED] Harvard Oration, Ivy Oration, and Class Ode Applications

The application for the Harvard Oration, Ivy Orations, and Class Ode was closed on March 14.


The 2021 Class Committee is seeking submissions for the Harvard Oration, Ivy Orations, and Class Ode, as well as nominations for the Ames Award from members of the Harvard College Class of 2021. Please see the descriptions of each below. Note that you can apply for more than one.

The Harvard Oration

The Harvard Oration is a time to reflect on our journey over the past four years for the Harvard College Class of 2021. This speech is intended to be a chance to commemorate our experience with a few words and stories that will resonate with the class. This is also an opportunity to look forward as a class and ponder how our journey will continue.

The speech should be no longer than five minutes. One student will be selected to give the Harvard Oration. Apply here by Sunday, March 14. As part of the application, you will be asked to submit the text of your speech, as well as a video recording of you performing part of your speech, no longer than one minute in length.

The Ivy Oration

The Ivy Oration is a time to laugh and smile about our journey over the past four years. It is a chance to take a more light-hearted approach to Commencement Week. This speech is intended to weave humor into a reflection of our college experience. It is an opportunity to share memories and inside jokes with the class, many of which we will fondly take with us.

The speech should be no longer than five minutes. One student will be selected to give the Ivy Oration. Apply here by Sunday, March 14. As part of the application, you will be asked to submit the text of your speech, as well as a video recording of you performing part of your speech, no longer than one minute in length.

The Class Ode

The Class Ode is an original composition of two verses set to the tune of Fair Harvard. The lyrics should be reflective in some way of our college experience, but they need not choose between a reflective tone or a humorous tone. A successful composition may be one that weaves the two tones together to create a particularly engaging piece. The odists are responsible for arranging any musical accompaniment, though this is not required but rather strongly encouraged. This Class Day performance can be done in a group of people, and the composition can cover a wide range of topics and ideas.

Apply here by Sunday, March 14. As part of the application, you will be asked to submit the lyrics as well as an audio recording of you or your group performing it.


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[3/1] Deadline for Ames Nominations