Class of 2021 Senior Week

Senior Week will take place from May 17 - 21. See our programming below, and stay tuned for further updates!


  • Virtual Class of 2021 Open Zoom: Come stop by a virtual Annenberg for the entire week! Regardless of time zone, we want you to come have meals and relax with your blockmates and see other seniors again. Relive freshman year!

  • Bingo Card: Reminisce with the Class of 2021 on shared memories through our Class Bingo Board! Whether it's checking out a book from Lamont/Widener or waking up to deeply regret a night at Cabot Aquarium, we want to take time to remember the pre-COVID era.

Tuesday 5/18, 8:00 pm EDT: Trivia Night

  • Want to ace one last test? Join us at for a competitive class-wide trivia Kahoot! hosted by our very own Jeopardy-alum and classmate Alec Fischtal '21!

Wednesday 5/19 1:00 pm EDT: First-Year Flashback

  • Traditionally, the senior class has the opportunity to gather with members of their former first-year entryways one last time before graduating. Join us for First-Year Flashback on May 19th at 1:00pm in celebration and reflection of the undergraduate experience—you will have a chance to reconnect with your first-year dorm-mates/entryway-mates, and proctors will be invited to join the event at 1:30pm onwards.

Thursday 5/20, 3:00 pm EDT: Senior Showcase 

  • Join us for Senior Showcase, a talent show of, by, and for the Class of 2021! See your classmate’s performances HERE.

Friday 5/21, 9:00 pm EDT: Senior Superlative Soiree 

  • Get excited to join us for the Senior Superlative Soiree! We will hand out superlatives like “Couple that should’ve been,” “Most likely to go to Harvard/Yale for the rest of their lives” and more. Look out for a link to vote!

Monday 5/24, 1:00 pm EDT: Sitting Down with Former Dean of Freshmen Tom Dingman

  • We have secured a conversation with our beloved Former Dean of Freshmen, Tom Dingman A.B. '67! One of our seniors will look back with Dean Dingman at the unique experience of the Class of 2021. Dean Dingman will offer his advice on making the most of this special time and answers questions on how to best navigate changing landscapes and relationships.

Note: Senior Week is separate from Graduation Week. For information on Graduation Week, please see this page.